I'm really wondering why we need to be having this conversation.
I really am. The current elections of 2016 are between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.The two of them could not be more different :
On one side, we have a greedy, arrogant, cheating, lying, misogynistic,
racist, bigot, gonif, meshuggenah, POS that calls himself Donald Trump.
On the other hand, we have Hillary Clinton, a woman who has a less than
spotless reputation, owing largely to 30 years of being slimed by her
opponents with the mostly willing cooperation of the news media.
(newsies will tell you, if you manage to slip one enough truth serum
that they hates them some Clintons) Yes, it's true that Mrs Clinton has
made mistakes, and some unforced errors, and has at times skated a bit
close to the thin ice. But she's human. She puts her pants suits on one
leg at a time just like the rest of us. She bleeds red blood, gets sick
sometimes, and probably has said some sharp-tongued things. But compared
to Donny, she's a freakin saint. Holy crap, I can hardly believe I have
to explain this to people. HRC is not my favorite democratic candidate.
That would have been Bernie Sanders. But she is light years ahead of
Trump. Galaxies, even.