Friday, March 6, 2020

Oh Damn, Warren is out.

Elizabeth Warren. I like her. 

She's smart as a whip, committed to fixing our country, a good woman and deserving of better treatment than she's gotten out of the Punditry

Elizabeth Warren has been a Senator (D MA), a law professor (Harvard) where her portrait on the wall gets post-it notes expressing thanks and admiration every day. She started as a special ed teacher. She has brought her message -- not just of change but of fixing things in this country. She has been in favor not of  a Sanders style revolution, destroying in order to rebuild, but putting forth the idea that what we have is okay but broken. That we need to fix things, like taxes, income inequity, racial and gender bias. Unfortunately we have come the end of her campaign. As many of you know, I have gone from Yay Bernie to backing Elizabeth Warren. therefore it irks me, and in no small way disappoints to have to come on here and say that less than 18 hours after my latest exhortation to people to get behind Warren and shove, she has announced that she is suspending her campaign, in effect ending her bid for the Democratic Party nomination for 2020. I of course was not consulted. Had Ms Warren consulted me, I would have advised her to stay in it for the long haul. To persist. to be there with her share of delegates, at the convention, and hope for a brokered contest. Perhaps I would have been wrong. but, no matter. She's out of it, and with her exit goes the last chance of a woman being President of the United States in this year, and probably in this generation. Most likely, no woman will attain the office in my lifetime. In many ways I am disgusted with my own species, and my own gender. Except women don't seem to want a woman president either. They stayed away from Warren in droves. This was lamely explained to me as "women are so desperate to get Trump gone that they don't want to take any risks, and Biden is seen as the SAFE Choice. "
Well, the safe choice may be Joe Biden, but is he the right choice ? Consider, if Elizabeth Warren couldn't get past the Primaries in an election with Donald Trump as the opposition, could any woman ever get elected ?