Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Once more, the missing man formation.

 I'm not one to idealize people. Everyone, boyhood heroes included, puts their pants on one leg at a time. 

But because my childhood was not more special than anyone else's, I'm not going to bother you with stories from my childhood. One man I knew of from my childhood was Gen. Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager. Yeager didn't just cultivate the image of a maverick, he was one. He was of the breed of pilots who learned to fly by instinct, by the seat of the pants. He flew combat missions over Europe in WW2, flying a Lockheed P51D mustang, "Glamorous Glenn" (for Glennis, his girlfriend and later his wife.)Yeager would go on to become "An Ace in a Day" shooting down 5 enemy aircraft in one day. If there was an aircraft type in service with the United States, odds were Yeager flew it. In a now-famous incident, with a broken arm and using a sawn-off broomstick for extra leverage, Yeager climbed down into the cockpit of a Bell X-1 ("Glamorous Glennis"), levered the canopy shut and in a few minutes was released into the air from the B-29 "Mother-ship" and shot off on a rocket-powered flight that broke the sound barrier. A first in aviation. (others may or not have exceeded mach 1, but Yeager did so under controlled circumstances.) In another well-known, possibly apocryphal incidence, Yeager is said to have declined participating in the Mercury Astronaut program, believing that the astronauts would be mere passengers, which was not his bag. In 1997 then-retired General Yeager would repeat his mach 1 flight in an F-15D Eagle fighter ("Glamorous Glennis III"), escorted by longtime wing-man and friend Bob Hoover, who had been Yeager's chase pilot on the day in 1947. Yeager's wife Glennis passed away in 1990 of ovarian cancer. The General re-married in 2007, much to the consternation of his family, who believed the woman was alienating his affections in order to make off with his money. I make no judgement on that, only to say a judge in California found in Gen. Yeager's favor, ruling that his daughter Susan had misused her authority as Trustee. Charles Elwood Yeager passed away on December 8, 2020, in Los Angeles California. He was 97. 

Another hero passes into those gates which all must enter.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Some Thanksgiving Thoughts.

 Way back in the 1600s, a group of people landed in the lands of the Wampanoag people and set up a camp.

Their camp rapidly became a village with log buildings. In that first winter, the invaders suffered much from the harsh winter and lack of proper food. In the spring, some of the locals found them and took pity upon them. They were not Christians, but they still had the spirit of charity within them and they made peaceful contact with the newcomers. The first nation people probably would have driven the whites into the sea at the point of a spear had they been "real Christians" but they did not. They took pity on the newcomers, and helped them to learn how to live off the land. How to catch fish, and to fertilize their crops with it. How to plant and grow maize. How to hunt the local animals and which ones provided the best meat. Somewhere in there, the locals found how to hunt the local wild turkeys and geese. (There are variations on this story where they brought the newcomers birds and maize but I'm going with this one.) The next fall, a hunting party of Wampanoag were in the vicinity of the white settlement and decided to check up on them. In gratitude for having been saved and aided by them, the Europeans invited the visitors to stay for the harvest feast. This then became known as the First Thanksgiving. If only the people of the First Nations and the European immigrants had learned from this example. But they did not. In the fullness of time the prediction often attributed to various leaders, that "in 300 years my people will be a vanishing breed, a footnote in the story of the continent." They did not vanish, but are less today than they were. Today the holiday is one in which we traditionally gather our families and celebrate the holiday, at least ostensibly giving thanks for the good things that came our way, and for having family to celebrate with. I am reminded of the time, some 50 years ago, when my Dad and my Uncle both finished eating at about the same time, and both had the same idea to make for the couch in the den at the same time. They both tried to be nonchalant about it, but this lasted about 4 paces, as my Dad went thundering into the Den, steps ahead of my Uncle. Dad got their first, but it would not have mattered, as it was Dad's house. Meanwhile, I just quietly asked my Mother if I could be excused (in the early 70s, table manners were still a thing, and kids who sat at the grownups table had to ask to be excused.) and then quietly went into the living room and took over the couch in there. Everyone else was too busy trying to find suitable seating in line of sight to a television and never considered just napping in the nice, cool, quiet of the living room. Funny how memory comes back like that. I will close by saying that I wish any who read this a happy holiday, and a quiet, safe, and healthy weekend.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Eleventh hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month.


Today, in 1918 the First World War came to an end. The living hell that began in 1914 and threatened to end human society ended in November 1918, with little of the root causes of the War to End All Wars resolved. But, at 11 AM, the guns fell silent. people on both sides joyfully stopped shooting at each other.  The final American killed in the war was recorded by General John Pershing as one Henry Nicholas John Gunther. Gunther had been a supply Sargent in the 79th "Liberty" division's 313th Regiment until he ran afoul of Army censors by writing a complaining letter to a friend back home, telling him to avoid military service at all costs. Demoted to private, Gunther felt that his courage had been called into question, and began volunteering for dangerous assignments, including that of message runner. He was killed in the final minutes of the war, attempting to assault a roadblock occupied by a German machine gun squad. It would have been a pointless gesture, as the war would be over in a few minutes, and Gunther was aware of this. It has been said that the Germans, when they saw him coming, yelled for him to go back, that the war was going to be over in a few minutes, but Gunther kept coming. One of the German gunners fired a burst, which struck the soldier in the temple, killing him instantly. Posthumously, Sargent Gunther was counted as the final casualty of the "War to End All Wars." 

(source: ) 

         It should be  the default position of all rational human beings that war should be the last resort. War should only be used to rid the world of insane nations, criminal nations like Nazi Germany, who wage wars of oppression against their neighbors. Aggressor nations who refuse to listen to reason or to sit down and talk. Bandit kingdoms who rape and pillage their own people. Talk, first and last. Keep talking, even while you're fighting. *sigh* there is no good way of putting it. Never go to war because you want to. 

No more for now. But never forget why we fight. To preserve freedom and liberate the oppressed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 Pray for the future of our nation. Now is the time when the Republic needs everyone to come together and reach across the divide, heal the wounds, stop the divisive, violent rhetoric. Let us go forward together, hand in hand, heads held high, as family. 


The Great Divide


 The political divide did not happen overnight, was not created by Donald Trump, and will not be made to go away by Joe Biden.

Newt Gingrich created the divide with his late night speeches in the well of the House, where he had a no cost cable TV presence. He spun the fable that there must be no compromises. That it would be his way or no way. Not many people saw him, but the right group of people did. Young, politically active republicans. They took Gingrich's message to heart, and went to war. No holds barred, stop at nothing to gain power. The first power grabs were not in the Federal legislature alone, but in state houses, governorship and other state-level offices. Thus the first of the big lies were told. "I'm against fraud, waste, and abuse! I'm a fiscal conservative! you can trust me with your money." Except they were not simple fiscal conservatives. They were die hard right wing christian conservatives, who wanted power not for what they could do for the people, but for what they could do TO the people. They Gerrymandered as much of the political map as they could. Then again in 2000. and again in 2010. The left were stupidly complacent. They had controlled the Congress off and on but more on than off since the 1970s, and saw no reason why things should change. The Supreme Court was carefully stage-managed. The lower courts were allowed to start to run empty. In fact, during Obama's time they were intentionally kept empty by McConnell. Now there are some 50 or so seats in the House which are, and will be for some time to come, absolutely safe GOP seats, and they are filled with Ideologues who, like Gingrich, insist it be their way or no way. At least the GOP are out of the Majority in the House, for now. But it's another census year, and Despite strenuous efforts by former President Obama, the political landscape won't change much.  Then comes 1987, and Reagan-appointee Dennis R Patrick's decision as FCC Chairman to undo the Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine was an FCC rule that demanded that broadcasters, both radio and television, who use a federal license, include in their programming a certain number of hours of coverage of public affairs and of controversial issues, and that said coverage be, in the FCCs view fair, unbiased and represent both sides of an issue. This rule was in place from 1944 until it was removed. But the thing is, the Reagan argument was that rules are unnecessary in a civilized society, where the free market will see to it that the battle of ideas carries to those who wish to watch. The problem with that idea is that people will, if given the choice, avoid ideas that don't flow with our own. We self-select for information that agrees with us. Information no longer is non-partisan. Presentation of news is politically driven. People become so familiar with the news that suits their biases that things that run contrary to them are seen as alien,or other. Those who cleave to other ideas are seen as Alien. Politics goes from being the marketplace of Ideas and becomes the Battleground of Ideas. But then comes someone like Trump, who has no connection to truth. He comes and lies to us, and those whose biases are more ideologically of the same polarity as the Trump lies decide they will believe the lie, even if somewhere in their mind they know it's not true. Trump has become like a cult leader, stringing lies together, getting people hooked on the lie. This is why they chant at Trump rallies. It's a form of group affirmation. They need to know they are not the only one who buys the lie. And so it goes. The political divide has gotten wider to the point it's causing families to disintegrate. It's breaking up friendships and causing fights. Please that it not cause worse violence. I'm not a big fan of Joe Biden, but by damn we need someone to pull us back from the brink.

Friday, October 30, 2020

A short bit about Flat Earthers. (uh well, it got bigger.)

I am and have been a man of science, reason and fact-based life. 

Unlike some, I do not care if you yourself hold religious views. 

                    I used to. I used to rail against religion the way some people rail against smoking cigarettes or eating red meat. I've given up on it, having realized that religion is one of those things you can't argue people out of. So, I don't bother. If you wish to continue believing I can't stop you. But you can still hold religious views, express religious faith and worship in the manner that suits you without eschewing science and reason. While the two are not wholly compatible, they can and do co-exist without friction. Some consider there to be non-overlapping magisteria, that is to say, the two things each have their own provinces which they do well in just so long as they stay within their realm -- keep to their own lane, so to speak. A prime example of what happens when religion attempts to speak to a question of science is when religious zealots attempt to define the fundamental nature of our home planet. For anyone who has studied science it's a settled issue - - the earth is a very slightly oblate spheroid some 12742 km in diameter, that turns on it's N-S Axis once every 24.025 hours, and orbits it's primary star at a distance of some 151.42 million km once every 365.25 days. These facts are not conjecture, or suppositions, they are known. They are observations, made using instruments from the primitive  -- a pole of known length -- to the incredible -- a ring laser gyro, or focused light prism gyroscope. The first attempt to divine the circumference of the earth was done by Eratosthenes in 245 BC; see Wikipedia's explanation of how, here : Wikipedia on Eratosthenes

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Equinox

 Tonight, a small bit of my brain will be given over to the imagery of a man in a grey cloak and a stag's head helmet standing in a stone circle with a branch of holly in his hands. 

This version of me, contained wholly within my imagination, comes from my Celtic roots, and no doubt is influenced by my studies. But, tonight marks the Equinox. A day with mystic significance to many, and of only passing mathematical curiosity to the rest of us. From today, the days will grow shorter, the nights longer. The Atlantic will see the Equinoctial Gales. The cool winds will blow, and turn colder next month. Summer is on the way out, Fall is coming on, and Winter is coming up the drive. All too soon, for many in the Northern Hemisphere, the old man in blue will be among us, nipping at our noses, chilling our feet, and making us wish for Spring to come dancing in. But for now, I see a darkness. I can hear ancient words in my head that come unbidden. I'm not superstitious, but the mood is changing. 

A small part of me, the part of me in the grey robes and the stag's head, it says back to the void : "Yes! Bring it! The Darkness is my friend!" But then so is the light. And there is still light, even in the darkest night. There is still hope.  

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Time is Coming, are you ready ?

 The time is coming, are you ready ?

Okay so. . . it's roughly 47 days until the elections. On election day, the American people will go to the polls to fill out, or have already mailed in, their ballots. The results may not be apparent for some days after the election. Here in Arizona, we have free mail in balloting, anyone who is a registered voter can request with no excuse a ballot. Once completed, the ballot is then sealed in an envelope and the back of the envelope is signed by the voter. These signatures are checked against recorded signatures at the Arizona secretary of state office. Those which pass are automatically counted by electronic device, and ballots are kept in case of a recount. (BTW, Arizona still uses paper ballots. All states should, IMO) So, Arizona's rough totals will be known either on election night or shortly thereafter. Of course, the totals will change as more ballots are counted, but this is a smaller number and probably will not be enough to change the top of the ballot result. Whatever happens, I wish Biden to win. This is not because I wish ill on his opponent, the incumbent, although I despise him. This year, I backed Elizabeth Warren. I like her, she's intelligent, warm, personable and has a big binder full of plans all ready to be enacted the moment she is sworn in. But, it was not to be. Joe Biden swept the series, hitting the cycle and winding up on third. Well, okay. So now I back Joe Biden. Not because I love Joe, but because he is the opponent of the party of doom. Unwittingly or not, Joe is Antifa. Knowingly or not, Joe is a white rose. He opposes the Fascist. We need to eschew Fascism and everything it stands for. We must, in this most crucial election of my lifetime, defeat the fascist would-be tyrant.
Ich bein "Weiße Rose"
Down with the Fascists!
It should be noted that I am an ex-Republican, Former Conservative, who has seen at long last the moral bankruptcy of the Conservative position.  
But no matter who you think should be President, go out and vote this Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
If you are not registered, you can do this easily and in most if not all states, online. 
To find out how to register in your state, follow the links at the site above.

Friday, July 17, 2020

There Passes a Hero Tonight.

It is my sad duty to call to your attention the death of a national hero. Congressman John Lewis (D-GA5) has died of pancreatic cancer. He was 80.  He was a real hero, who put his life on the line for his beliefs more than once. John Robert Lewis was battered and nearly killed by police for the crime of trying to cross the Edmund Pettus bridge outside Selma Alabama. He led sit-ins at lunch counters, student marches, desegregation attempts at schools. Later he would get elected to the Congress of the United States, where he would serve 17 terms. But he never gave up the struggle for civil rights. This spring, he spoke with Black Lives Matter protestors, and told them "don't quit. " In a way, he passed the baton to the new generation. He was one of the original Freedom Riders in 1961.

Representative John Lewis. taken from us this 17th instant, July 2020.
Gentlemen, remove your hats for a moment of silence.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

cuatro de julio, veinte y veinte.

July Fourth, Twenty-Twenty.
On this day, some 244 years ago, a group of American Colonists, acting on behalf of electors, caused there to be published a document called the Declaration of Independence.  This document was a compromise. Yes, I realize that today, compromise is a dirty word. I realize that no one wants to compromise, ever. That they believe that compromise means death. or worse, because all too many have declared that they will kill and die before compromising. Well, this document, like many others after it, was a compromise. Some wanted to open with an offering of peace with the English King. Some were afraid that any such declaration would leave them open to a charge of treason against a lawful ruler. In the end, the members of the continental congress realized that the open rebellion that had been going on for a full year must be the course to take, and that the forces of the King must be driven forth from the newly-named United States. So it was. Each colony voted to form a new Union. The English King was to be told to piss up a rope. But this year, more so than many others, people have been demanding to know why they compromised then, and more so and worse in 1789 when they sat down to write the Constitution of the United States (replacing the grossly inadequate Articles of Confederation.) They wanted to know why a compromise, most especially with 3/5 of slaves or of "Indians not taxed." The Federalist papers, and other historians offer a fairly good idea why some of the compromises regarding taxes and representation, and even of slavery. but I want to talk about the "Great Compromise" from a different viewpoint. So here goes: 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

A Brief thought on confederate statues.

I've been reading and hearing a lot about people wanting to take down statues of confederate Generals: 

         I'd like to say here, for the record, that I approve of doing so wholeheartedly. Before any of you out there get on your hobby horse and tell me I want to erase history, let me save you the trouble.
No one is erasing history. In fact, I insist that grade school and Jr high and High schools teach the history of the Southern Slaveholders Rebellion. No, I'm not going to sugar coat it and call it "The War Between the States" or some other bullshit. I'm going to straight out call it what it was, an insurrection against the duly constituted government of the United States, with the intention of overthrowing said government. Live with it.
Next, before you whinge that we're taking down every statue, I want to tell you something.
First, we aren't taking down "every statue", just the ones glorifying the leaders of the southern slaveholders rebellion. The men who betrayed the United States because they wanted to go on OWNING PEOPLE. Do you see Germans putting up statues to Sepp Deitrich and Otto Kumm* ? Do you see Chileans putting up statues honoring Augusto Pinochet ? no, you do not. Those men cannot be excised from history either, but neither should they be celebrated. In America, statues were erected to men like Nathan Bedford Forrest and others, first in order to perpetuate the myth of the Lost Cause, and second to remind blacks that the Confederacy was Never Going Away, that it would always be there to keep them down one way or another, by law if possible and by judge Lynch** if not. 
The statues, and indeed all symbols of the Slaveholders Rebellion must in fact go away. Not because the men who fought for the South were not brave. There were many such. Not because the men who commanded the Southern armies weren't good generals, there were many such. But their cause was not noble. What they wanted was not good. What they did was evil, in the name of another evil. At best, they were misguided. So no, we will not forget them. But we will also not forget that the thing they stood for was a system of oppression, brutality, rape and torture. No, I will not forget the Confederates. Nor should anyone else. But I also will not give a pass to anyone who glorifies them or attempts to sell me the bullshit about "the Lost Cause". The cause should have been lost in 1789, but the Southern States demanded to be allowed to end slavery on their own time and in their own way. Well, 1792 came along and still slavery. 1803 and still slavery. 1840, still slavery. 1855, still slavery. and 1860, still slavery. It has to be faced up to that without the Abolitionists, slavery might well have continued indefinitely. (There is the school-to-prison pipeline, but that for another day.) 
The issue was never "States Rights" it was always slavery. go google "Ordinance of Secession" and see for yourself. 
Okay, enough for now. 
Sleep now.
Belated Happy Juneteenth. 

*Sepp Dietrich and Otto Kumm commanded the SS Adolf Hitler Division. 
**"Judge Lynch" being a euphemism for lynching people.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Lesser of Two Weevils.

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Poster     In the movie Master and Commander : the Far Side of the World, actor Russell Crowe, in the character of Commander "Lucky Jack" Aubrey, tells a joke for his officers at dinner; he lays two weevils on the table and bids his medical officer Surgeon Physician Maturin to choose, which is the best. Maturin falls for it. He examines both weevils from a scientific angle, estimating their size, and he, after a brief study, decides. Maturin selects the larger one. To which Captain (by courtesy a Captain in his own ship, even though he is the rank of Commander) Aubrey says : "Ah but Doctor, in the Royal Navy it is always our way to choose the lesser of two weevils. "

And so, it comes to this. I've been hearing a lot from the Bernie or Burn crowd that anybody but Bernie is evil, and so no matter who it is, they won't vote for Trump, but they also won't vote for option B because "Choosing the lesser of Two Evils is still choosing evil."
              Well, I'm going to come out and say this with no sugar on it: If you think you can vote for Justin Amash or Jill Stein or Gus Hall because voting for Biden would be a vote for Lesser Evil and Lesser Evil is Still Evil, then you can smooch up on my buttocks and wait for me to fart. I'm sick to death of hearing purity test "Bernie or nobody" fools. Get off my lawn. Lookit. I'm not a fan of Joe Biden. As a matter of fact, although I do not think Biden is evil (he is somewhat mendacious, as are all politicians.) I don't agree with his policies. I don't really know him as a man so I can't speak to that, but I don't like his policies and that's just how it is. In 2016 I was for Bernie right up until Hillary won the primaries by some 3 million votes and was nominated at the convention. Not a fan of HRC either, but when it became clear she was going to be the nominee I got behind her and helped as much as I could in my small way. I do not regret it. I only regret not winning. in 2020 my ardor for Bernie had cooled some, but I was very favorably impressed by Elizabeth Warren. I found her to be real, warm, personable and talented- - everything the orange fuhrer is not. I was behind Warren foursquare. Well, it was not to be. I shall bite back my bitterness, swallow my pride and push as hard as I can for Joe Biden. Because the trolley is headed toward the switch, and there are a kid's soccer team stuck on the bus on one leg of track, and a man with a broken pelvis on the other. I have to choose. You must also choose. Inaction will only cause the trolley to derail, killing all the passengers. The man cannot get himself off the track in time, and the children can't get off the bus in time. You gotta pull the lever. Choose. I shall apologize to the family of the man with the broken pelvis later. Now you choose. Either choice you make is evil. Choose. Tick-tock. Time's running out. Choose.

Notes : 
     1)  Yes, this is the infamous "lesser of two evils" hypothetical. I'm not the first one to propose it, and I sincerely doubt I will be the last.  It offers you a choice between two actions, both of which will result in someone else's death. One vs Many. I have also eliminated the escape hatches of "I'll just leave it for someone else" and "I'll derail the streetcar and save everyone."  Except doing that will kill the passengers and crew of the streetcar. 

2) Yes, it's not fair. Life is not fair. 

The Trolley Problem Will Tell You Nothing Useful About Morality ...

Friday, March 6, 2020

Oh Damn, Warren is out.

Elizabeth Warren. I like her. 

She's smart as a whip, committed to fixing our country, a good woman and deserving of better treatment than she's gotten out of the Punditry

Elizabeth Warren has been a Senator (D MA), a law professor (Harvard) where her portrait on the wall gets post-it notes expressing thanks and admiration every day. She started as a special ed teacher. She has brought her message -- not just of change but of fixing things in this country. She has been in favor not of  a Sanders style revolution, destroying in order to rebuild, but putting forth the idea that what we have is okay but broken. That we need to fix things, like taxes, income inequity, racial and gender bias. Unfortunately we have come the end of her campaign. As many of you know, I have gone from Yay Bernie to backing Elizabeth Warren. therefore it irks me, and in no small way disappoints to have to come on here and say that less than 18 hours after my latest exhortation to people to get behind Warren and shove, she has announced that she is suspending her campaign, in effect ending her bid for the Democratic Party nomination for 2020. I of course was not consulted. Had Ms Warren consulted me, I would have advised her to stay in it for the long haul. To persist. to be there with her share of delegates, at the convention, and hope for a brokered contest. Perhaps I would have been wrong. but, no matter. She's out of it, and with her exit goes the last chance of a woman being President of the United States in this year, and probably in this generation. Most likely, no woman will attain the office in my lifetime. In many ways I am disgusted with my own species, and my own gender. Except women don't seem to want a woman president either. They stayed away from Warren in droves. This was lamely explained to me as "women are so desperate to get Trump gone that they don't want to take any risks, and Biden is seen as the SAFE Choice. "
Well, the safe choice may be Joe Biden, but is he the right choice ? Consider, if Elizabeth Warren couldn't get past the Primaries in an election with Donald Trump as the opposition, could any woman ever get elected ? 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Unhappy New Year.

Unhappy New Year.

what a crummy way to start the new year. In recent times, unless you live under a rock, you know that Iranian-proxy militia-men rocketed an American installation in Iraq, killing an American "Contractor". (odd how nobody says what he was contracting to do, but as Contractor has become a synonym for mercenary, I think it's safe to say we know what kind of man he was. )
The United States retaliated by pulling off a Tom Clancy level scheme to assassinate Iranian Major General and commander of the Quds force wing of the Iranian Republican Guards corps Suliemanei.
Iran in turn replied to this by launching some number of IRBMs loaded with conventional warheads at American installations in Iraq. No Americans were killed in the rocketing. We can thank our luck and our advanced warning systems for that.
And now, The Ball is back in Trump's court. He has as of this AM said that we do not want war, and we're  stepping back from the brink. Trump actually said the Iranians were standing down. but then, I don't trust two words out of Trump's mouth. If The Dear Leader Trump tells you it's raining out, better go look out a window. Some of my thoughts on this matter below the jump.