Sunday, February 12, 2017

A bit of good news.

This just crossed my desk: From CNN, Yale University has decided to rename Calhoun College; which was named in 1933 to commemorate pro-slavery advocate, 7th US President and all around wanker John C. Calhoun. The University took the to me wonderful step of renaming the place after RADM (RTD) Grace Murray Hopper, one of America's first ever computer scientists.
If you are unaware of Admiral Hopper's career, see her biography here Here .
As one of my core interests has always been Computer science and engineering, I always admired Admiral Hopper. I even got the chance to meet her when I was in college. She even gave me a nano-second. (a piece of braided twisted pair wire about 10in long. ) A long delayed accolade for a brilliant mind and forerunner of Today's women. I tip my hat to Yale for taking this action.
(Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, before her retirement.)

A Blast from my Facebook Past.

I wrote this some years ago for my Facebook timeline, and I'm posting it here now because I thought it was worth keeping.

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." (1 Corinthians 13:11)
As a man of adult years,adult learning and adult thought, I have come to appreciate science,to learn each new thing with the wonderment of a child, and the sober contemplation and skepticism of an adult. "keep an open mind and a hard nose" I say, and never stop learning!