Sunday, November 5, 2017

Could it really be the twilight's last gleaming ?

In the near future, Donald J. Trump (whom I gave the mafia nickname "Donnie the Cheeto" )

May very well be facing impeachment and removal from office, in the first such case since the Republicans attempted to do so with Bill Clinton over alleged perjury.
I remember the sense of disillusionment many people had after Richard Nixon resigned hours ahead of being impeached and removed from office. Many of those who supported Trump fit the same demographic as those who supported Nixon. But how are they going to react to Trump's being impeached and removed from office ? (will Trump save face by resigning first, or has he no shame?) Many Nixon supporters were shocked and dismayed to find that their man had lied in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy. Will the current generation feel similar, or will they simply deny the truth and demand that Trump be allowed to continue in office regardless of criminal offenses ? Will Trump actually have the blatant effrontery to pardon himself and demand to be allowed to remain in office ? What does the reality-based community do if he does ? Will Trump actually foment a constitutional crisis ? Will he have to be forcibly ousted ? Will we actually have descended into the gutter of the banana republic ? Will the United States become the failed state Steve Bannon wants ? This could be the most trying test of The United States since the Civil War. 
Yet, I remain hopeful. I suppose I have become a "glass is half full" guy. But look -- Trump must go. and anyone else who was in on the con must also go. We also need to revamp our elections systems so that no future tampering attempts can breach their security. 
Remember, you may be pledging allegiance to the flag, but more importantly you're pledging to the Republic for which it stands, and to the ideals which this republic was founded on. If we forget or dismiss these ideals, then the flag means nothing. After all, without the principles and ideals the founding fathers believed in, the flag is just an empty symbol. If we allow ourselves to forget those ideals, then all the men and women who fought and died for them will have done so in vain. They didn't fight and die for "let's steal the Iraqi oil" or "let's make the Muslims lick our boots", they stood up when someone had to stand up, and they fought for the things Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams and others conceived, the things in the preamble to the Constitution of the United States, which I had to memorize as a schoolboy. "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. "