Thursday, April 12, 2018

Yom HaShoah

Yom HaShoah :  Today we do not celebrate, but we commemorate the holocaust.

I'm not going to write a big long post about it. A short reminder. Today, we commemorate the holocaust, and vow to remember it, and those who died because of bigotry and hate. The wheels started turning in 1932. Germany, led by an Austrian demagogue, started up the laws against the Jews. In short order, homosexuals, Romani, mentally ill, mentally challenged people, communists and those labelled as "undesirables" would be added to the list later. The next milestone was 1935, the Nuremberg racial purity laws. Then, in 1938, Kristallnacht, when Jews and Jewish businesses were openly attacked. Afterward the Hitler government shut down all businesses owned by Jews. Then came the "deportations" and concentration camps. Then came the final solution. A piece of me wants to say to you "God, don't look". But another, much larger piece says "No. Go look. Go look now. Don't turn away from it. steel yourself by whatever means necessary and look. Look at the pictures. the films. go to the national archives and look. Go to the holocaust museum and look. Listen to the dozens, hundreds of taped stories from the shoah project. Look and listen and then come back and tell me in the comments that you don't believe.

Link to nazi concentration camp video, selected video from some of the camps, created for the war crimes tribunal. Note that the final signature on it is Capt. John Ford USN.