Wednesday, March 20, 2019

I don't usually post stuff on videos but this is worthwhile

Okay, so I almost never post videos here.

But this is important. Recently Jennifer Lawrence posted this video. Yeah, I know, we all think of her as some vacuous blonde who makes the odd movie now and then. Well, stop that, it's silly!
We should know by now that it's not the name that counts, it's the quality of the ideas that matter. I'm not a man who fawns over movie and TV stars. If I saw Ms. Lawrence in a store I would nod and say Howdy, like I do with everyone, but I wouldn't go beyond that. However, on this issue I feel it necessary to post her video. The video pretty much explains what it is and what the issue is, but if you look back in time on this blog you will see it's one I have posted about before. With that, over to Ms Lawrence and Mr Silver.
This issue is important. We need to fix our elections system. There are already videos by various "Conservative" groups attacking this. I say conservative in quotes because in many ways this campaign is in fact a conservative issue. They wish to conserve the American voting system the way the founding fathers intended. That these vidiots do not realize this speaks to the shallowness of their nature. Look, I'm not a big "J-Law" fan. If asked at this moment I'm not sure I could even name one of her movies. This issue rises above my personal motion picture preferences. This issue is about limiting the influence big money has on our political affairs and shifting political access and thus political power downward, back to the people those individuals in DC are supposed to represent.