Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Equinox

 Tonight, a small bit of my brain will be given over to the imagery of a man in a grey cloak and a stag's head helmet standing in a stone circle with a branch of holly in his hands. 

This version of me, contained wholly within my imagination, comes from my Celtic roots, and no doubt is influenced by my studies. But, tonight marks the Equinox. A day with mystic significance to many, and of only passing mathematical curiosity to the rest of us. From today, the days will grow shorter, the nights longer. The Atlantic will see the Equinoctial Gales. The cool winds will blow, and turn colder next month. Summer is on the way out, Fall is coming on, and Winter is coming up the drive. All too soon, for many in the Northern Hemisphere, the old man in blue will be among us, nipping at our noses, chilling our feet, and making us wish for Spring to come dancing in. But for now, I see a darkness. I can hear ancient words in my head that come unbidden. I'm not superstitious, but the mood is changing. 

A small part of me, the part of me in the grey robes and the stag's head, it says back to the void : "Yes! Bring it! The Darkness is my friend!" But then so is the light. And there is still light, even in the darkest night. There is still hope.  

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Time is Coming, are you ready ?

 The time is coming, are you ready ?

Okay so. . . it's roughly 47 days until the elections. On election day, the American people will go to the polls to fill out, or have already mailed in, their ballots. The results may not be apparent for some days after the election. Here in Arizona, we have free mail in balloting, anyone who is a registered voter can request with no excuse a ballot. Once completed, the ballot is then sealed in an envelope and the back of the envelope is signed by the voter. These signatures are checked against recorded signatures at the Arizona secretary of state office. Those which pass are automatically counted by electronic device, and ballots are kept in case of a recount. (BTW, Arizona still uses paper ballots. All states should, IMO) So, Arizona's rough totals will be known either on election night or shortly thereafter. Of course, the totals will change as more ballots are counted, but this is a smaller number and probably will not be enough to change the top of the ballot result. Whatever happens, I wish Biden to win. This is not because I wish ill on his opponent, the incumbent, although I despise him. This year, I backed Elizabeth Warren. I like her, she's intelligent, warm, personable and has a big binder full of plans all ready to be enacted the moment she is sworn in. But, it was not to be. Joe Biden swept the series, hitting the cycle and winding up on third. Well, okay. So now I back Joe Biden. Not because I love Joe, but because he is the opponent of the party of doom. Unwittingly or not, Joe is Antifa. Knowingly or not, Joe is a white rose. He opposes the Fascist. We need to eschew Fascism and everything it stands for. We must, in this most crucial election of my lifetime, defeat the fascist would-be tyrant.
Ich bein "Weiße Rose"
Down with the Fascists!
It should be noted that I am an ex-Republican, Former Conservative, who has seen at long last the moral bankruptcy of the Conservative position.  
But no matter who you think should be President, go out and vote this Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
If you are not registered, you can do this easily and in most if not all states, online. 
To find out how to register in your state, follow the links at the site above.