A little reminder from days gone by:
Back in 2018 I wrote this on my facebook wall:
" I
am relatively certain that it will come out that a fistful of Russian
intelligence operators came to the USA in order to facilitate the
election of the current occupant of the White House. They acted in
collusion with Candidate 1's campaign, and obtained and used data
generated by contractors employed by Candidate 1 to push the election in
Candidate 1's direction. It will be revealed that Candidate 1 received
material aid from these foreign agents, and that Candidate 1 was aware
of these machinations and approved of them. Finally, it will be hinted
at, if not actually brought out, that Candidate 1 was recruited to be an
agent of influence by the Russian government. (Note: this is not based
on sources. it is strictly and only my opinion based on my personal
perception and synthesis of known events and projected possible
outcomes. I am not a psychic, and I do not believe such things exist. I
am however, well up in the news, and in the practices of Intelligence
agencies, including ours and theirs. "
Given all that has transpired in the ensuing four years, how would you rate my prognostications ? I think I'm doing pretty well, all things considered. But considering the nature of the material missing from two of what are now being called the Mar-a-Lago documents, I would really rather have been wrong.
Next we turn to Jared's money woes: One of the things a skilled intelligence operator will do is look for people with access (not necessarily power, but access.) who are having money troubles. The deeper and more private a financial hole the subject is in the better. This is ever so much better than trolling for gays or sexual deviants because people with money woes are much more common. They may be gamblers, speculators in the stock market (another form of gambling.) or maybe they just live too far above their means. Jared was in a deep financial hole. Now Jared has 2 billion to speculate with courtesy of the Saudis. I think it's a pretty easy set of dots to connect, don't you ?
O- -- - - - - - - - - o
A closing remark : On the volume of scandals. Not long ago Fox News pundit Sean Hannity read off, in an angry voice, all the scandals that plagued the Former Guy's regime. He went on for about two minutes, listing all of them. Apparently it never occurred to Hannity that what he was doing is reading the bill of indictments against his hero. You could dismiss some of the investigations as being all sizzle and no steak, but you still have to admit that where there is smoke there is fire, and the former regime did issue forth a whole lot of smoke. These missing Classified documents may indeed be the flames we have been seeing signs of all along. I can only hope the damage control party can get to it in time. TFG blew a hole in the bottom of the ship of state, and men like Hannity helped him light the fuse.