It's 2017. Nasty, Ugly and Brutish 2016 is gone. I sat and watched it die.
So now we're in 2017. I'm about to find out what the cardiologist found. Not looking forward to it.
After that, comes the Trump inaugural. Yes, we did not wake up to find that it was all a mistake. It's really going to happen, barring any giant space object impacts.
So we will now have a President who doesn't use computers but claims he knows a lot about hacking, who won't have press conferences but tweets out attempts at policy, who claimed to be cleaning out the swamp but has indulged in the worst possible crony capitalism politics -- hiring 4 former Goldman Sachs officers for his cabinet. He will be commander in chief of the military, chief law enforcement officer of the United States, in charge of running a government with a budget of more than 1 trillion dollars annually. He will be President of the United States and in full control of a multinational sole proprietorship with interests in nations around the world -- interests which will become tempting targets for foreign powers, who will see them as leverage against the President, and thus the United States. This is the man who creates his own reality -- oftentimes making it up as he goes along. The man whom all Vladamir Putin needs to do is flatter a bit and he melts. The soon-to-be President hangs out with known members of the mob, with fight promoter and convicted killer Don King, and with people who love to chant Sieg Heil¹ at every opportunity.
So, this man will be occupying the Oval Office. His party, the Republican Party, have control of the House of Representatives and the Senate. They will also use their carefully hoarded vacancy in the United States Supreme Court to select a Justice to their liking. So, they will have a barely controllable, opaque demagogue who is a narcissist, injury collector with revenge fantasies, but they will also have complete control of all three branches of government, and all anyone can do is complain. They will use their control to do as much destruction as they can in the time they are given, and all we can really do is hope that the President decides he's not going to go along with parts of it and throw down some vetoes, or that we manage to overturn the majority in the House or Senate or both in 2018 -- a tall order considering that the DNC hates local politics.