Dog Whistle Part II, Liars Boogaloo :
The current occupant of the White House, the fellow I call Donnie the Cheeto (it's his mob name.),has no sense of shame whatever. He does not care if he is caught in a lie. He defends himself from such charges by hurling grade-school insults at his accusers and repeating the lie once more, perhaps embellished somewhat. Well, this time Donnie the Cheeto has told a lie, lied about it again, and used behind-the-scenes pressure to make it work. The lie this time was another dog whistle. This time, he lies that certain NFL football players are "unpatriotic" "against our troops" and "disrespecting the flag" by kneeling during the national anthem. But let's look at who he's casting aspersions at : They are mostly of the non-white variety of human being. This is why Trump is disparaging football players. 70% of them are African-American and a further 5% are of various other non-white skin tones. Donnie the Cheeto himself is no friend of the National Football League, both because of his failed USFL and because of his failed attempt to buy the Buffalo Bills in 2014. Mr Trump has also, it's been said, been burning up the phone lines trying to pressure, cajole or otherwise convince NFL officials and team owners to back up his demand that players stand at attention during the playing of the National Anthem. To date, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has bowed to Trump's pressure and ordered that his players will stand for the anthem or be benched.
Perhaps NFL players should emulate Tommie Smith and John Carlos of the 1968 Olympics, who stood for the National Anthem, giving the clenched fist salute.
(image courtesy of Wikipedia)
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