Yes, Donnie says it's okay. Not only is it okay, it's Great!
Did you miss it ? The courts are being packed with hardline "movement" conservatives.Largely this is possible because the DNC dropped the ball. They should have been watching the local races from 1996 onward. This is the fruition of a long term hard right plan.
They grabbed control of as many state houses as they could, in order to gerrymander as many congressional districts as possible. In the mean time, their litigators were fighting carefully selected battles in the courts. They went full tilt at the Voting Rights act, and knocked down the best part of it. They went after the McCain-Feingold act and blew the guts out of it. These were not accidents, they were carefully planned. They put together ALEC to put out law templates that carefully limited minority votes, without actually instituting poll taxes or registration tests. They wanted large scale voter suppression and largely, they got it. But the coup de grâce was McTurtle barring any appointments in Obama's second term. Between that and natural attrition they got some 200 or so federal judgeships they can hand out to movement conservatives. We're pretty much screwed for the next 30 years. Say goodbye to progress. no more Abortion rights, no more voting rights act. no more equal rights of any kind, no more McCain Feingold (even though it's mostly dead after Cits United.) No more consumer protection, no more financial services protection, back to payday loans at 465% interest, back to everything bad that the Democrats have tried to protect us from. Back, essentially, to the good old days of Jim Crow. By the way, Orange Douchebag has made it *okay to say "nigger"* again. So perhaps that's enough to make you happy. Did no one ever tell you that the "Good Old Days" actually sucked ? Goddammit go read some fucking history. Books too hard for you ? okay try this one, it's a comic book, and it's more than worth reading : March: Book 1 This tells the story of John Lewis, a man whose name should be remembered by everyone as a hero of the Civil Rights movement. The book details life under "Jim Crow", and "Separate but Equal." It's not a nice history, but it's our history, and these men are driving us back to those days. But Donnie says it's Great, it's Okay.
*Okay only if you're a fucking racist dickhead.
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