I'm not British, but I would like to share a few thoughts on the upcoming vote in Britain whether or not to remain in the EU.
I know, it's odd, an American voicing an opinion on a strictly European issue, but here goes :Europe is currently operating in an economic balance, with France and England balancing out Germany in economic power. A change in this structure could cause unknown damage. The other European powers could, and probably would, institute some forms of Tariffs on trade, which would cause an economic slump, first in Britain, and later spreading to the other EU countries. The EU would probably recover from this in a few years, but in the meantime there would be a loss of jobs, and a slowdown of the EU economy, which would probably spread to the USA and Canada, in a time when economic slumps are more dangerous. Many more people now are living close to the bottom, just a paycheck or two away from disaster. Do we really want to risk it ?
Update : (post Brexit vote)
I had originally written this a couple days before the vote, intending to come back to it, but other events pushed it off my plate. Post-Brexit vote, I'm adding a few thoughts.-- DLC.
So, the vote has come and gone, and with it seemingly a goodly proportion of the UKs common sense. You heard Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson blather nonsense about "Taking Britain Back" and "Why do we pay 350 million pounds a year to the EU" and many of you bought into it, hook, line and sinker. Well, we've all seen the preliminary result. The death spiral of the British Pound, a 5% loss in market value overnight, and companies beginning to question whether or not to remain in or locate facilities in Britain. I shouldn't, but for some reason I feel like the father who advised his child not to do something, only to have them try it anyway for disastrous but predictable results. I feel like saying "I told you so!" except, alas, I did not. Because I knew something the father in my simile didn't. I knew full well that my voice would go unheeded, even if anyone heard (or in this case read) my words. Quite aside from the fact that this blog is about as well read as a note written in Aramaic in a locked chest inside the wreck of the Titanic, I know that people are reluctant, aye, resistant to any foreigner giving them advice. I also know the Chinese saying about advice : "never give advice -- a wise man doesn't need it, and a fool won't heed it." So, what now, UK ? Going to vote to split into pieces ? Are we going to see your once great and powerful nation, holder of colonies in half the world, dissipate into a fistful of Baronies ? I hope not. Perhaps it is not too late for you to reverse course, and stop yourselves before you run off the cliff. I've always had warm feelings for Britain. You're a good people, mostly. I hope you sort yourselves out soon, and get back on track.
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