Today, video was released from NBC-Universal's "Access Hollywood" in which Donald Trump is heard saying some things. He says that he tried to have sex with a married woman, while himself marred to Melania. He says he kisses women because they're good looking, without waiting to be invited. He says he can "grab them by the pussy" because he's a Star.
The net effect of the video is disgusting. If you needed more proof Donald Trump is not suited to be President of the United States, this is it. It is my considered opinion that Donald Trump is not fit to manage the affairs of a Hot-Dog stand, let alone the United States. I want to emphasize this point: I like sex as much as the next man. I like women as much as the next man. But I do not and would not objectify women to the extent Trump does. I have women friends -- women who I have never thought of having sex with, who are just my friends. Donald Trump surrounds himself with women he considers beautiful (as beauty is a subjective quality, I do not speak to that point.) -- women whom he can objectify. Women he can imagine having sex with. He is binary on it. You're either a piece he can think of having sex with, or you're ugly. Look at every woman close to him. This is the man who has said "If she wasn't my daughter I'd be dating her. " How can anyone look at this man and not see a cheap, greasy, dirtbag of a used car salesman? How can the "morally straight" upstanding conservative republicans look at Donald Trump and think he's someone they want in the White House? Is their hate of Hillary Clinton that strong that they would vote a man like that into office with her as the alternative ?
The mind boggles.
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