I've been hearing a lot of talk lately about how people want an "outsider" to be President of the United States.
We've all be told recently how Donald Trump should be President of the United States because he is "an outsider." Let's grant that he is, for the moment. He has no knowledge or experience in government. He has no knowledge or experience in foreign policy, and none in domestic policy.Now, let's consider a hypothetical, leaving names out of it.
Let's assume that we are all on a ship at sea.
The exact kind of ship doesn't matter, but let's assume it's the SS United States:An elderly lady, now rusty where once she was elegant. She's a big, complex vessel, with 4 steam turbines fed by 8 boilers. At one time she could do a fair turn of speed -- 35 knots. Not bad for an old design. Now assume we're sailing along, and the current Captain has decided to retire. In the spirit of Democracy he informs the passengers that they may elect the new Captain. After some doings, two candidates arise to the fore. One of them has worked in the ship for a long time. This candidate has worked in the engineering department, in the purser's office and as the 3rd lieutenant. This officer has been to Merchant Marine School and has held Master's Papers for a dozen years.
Okay, now let's look at the other candidate. This candidate is a passenger from the First Class section. He cheerfully admits, even brags, that he has no experience commanding a vessel at sea. He claims that as he had a successful time boating on Lake Quiet Waters, except for those times his boat sank. He brags on how he'll make sea travel great again, but he has no experience in running a ship. He has no Master's Papers. He talks about how poorly things went under the previous captain, but he's never complained about the food, the sailing or the environment of the vessel before. He claims you'll all get a big discount on your next ticket, if you just vote for him. But, what discount will there be if his first orders on the bridge run the ship afoul of a reef ? Of course, the weather might stay clear. There might not be any icebergs to navigate around or pirates to outrun. But no one can see the future, not even the man from the luxury cabin. So, this is really the choice you have. Hand the command of the Ship of State over to the experienced professional, or to the completely untrained and unready amateur.
The Choice will be yours, come November.
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