Thursday, November 29, 2018

Nixon, Trump and Weasels

I was reaching the end of my boyhood when the whole Nixon thing brewed up.

      I remember well sitting in the kitchen with Mom and eating my breakfast while she got our lunches ready and made sure we had our homework, while half watching the morning news. The War, Watergate, NASA and The cold war were the big topics. But soon it would all be eclipsed by Nixon and Watergate. Erlichman, Dean, Cox, Haldeman and others. Soon, we were even talking about it in class. The effects were pervasive, and divisive. "never trust anyone over 30", "remember may 4" and other slogans were popular. The pressure to get rid of Nixon was intense, and eventually even the Republicans realized Nixon had to go. With the Impeachment hearings moving through Congress, a delegation of GOP Senators went up to the White House. One witness later described Nixon as a "Cornered Weasel." Nowadays, we have Donald Trump, who wants so badly to be seen as a Tough Guy, but who even a casual observer would see is not a Tough Guy, but a Weasel.
Where is the modern day version of the three who took that walk up to the White House to beard Nixon in his den ? We need a modern day version of Scott, Goldwater and Rhodes. Unfortunately, it looks today as if McConnell , Cornyn and McCarthy simply haven't got the belly for it. Although I tend to doubt that The Weasel in Chief would resign if they bid him to. He would simply continue on, hacking holes in the bottom of the Ship of State.

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